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- ajpa23308-fig-0003-m.jpg
- american-history-textbook.png
- armenian-textbooks.png
- bradley-etal-screenshot.png
- Claim: 37% of Scythian women and girls were active warriors.
- Claim: A 2017 analysis of ten introductory political-science textbooks found that an average of 10.8% of pages per text referenced women.
- Claim: An analysis of 18 high school history textbooks published between 1960 and 1990 found that pictures of named men outnumbered pictures of named women by about 5.5 to 1.
- Claim: As of 2015, women make up on only 24% of the persons heard, read about or seen in newspaper, television and radio news.
- Claim: Based on an experiment, adding m/f to a job ad made no difference to the exclusionary impact of using the generic masculine on its own.
- Claim: Bones of Birka warrior belongs to a woman.
- Claim: Cave paintings in France and Spain were actually done by women
- Claim: Countries with gender-inflected languages were predicted to have the lowest gender equality scores.
- Claim: G-rated films released between 1990 and 2005 found that only 28% of speaking roles went to female characters.
- Claim: Identifying more males from skulls is not consistent with what we know about the sex ratios of extant human populations.
- Claim: Leadership job ads found a 27:1 ratio of masculine forms to m/f and inclusive forms.
- Claim: Men spend twice as much time on screen compared to women.
- Claim: More than 90% of the world's online population use emoji.
- Claim: More women frequently use emoji than men.
- Claim: Murders mostly committed by men
- Claim: Non-human roles are less likely to be represented as female.
- Claim: On average, men outnumber women 3 to 1 in example sentences from language and grammar textbooks.
- Claim: When asked to draw images of human roles, most images drawn will be male.
- Claim: When children are asked to draw images of human roles, most images drawn will be male.
- Claim: Women are also less represented in textbooks outside the United States.
- Data: 37% of Scythian women and girls were active warriors.
- Data: As of 2015, women make up on only 24% of the persons heard, read about or seen in newspaper, television and radio news.
- Data: Based on an experiment, adding m/f to a job ad made no difference to the exclusionary impact of using the generic masculine on its own.
- Data: Bones of Birka warrior belongs to a woman.
- Data: Cave paintings in France and Spain were actually done by women
- Data: Countries with gender-inflected languages were predicted to have the lowest gender equality scores.
- Data: G-rated films released between 1990 and 2005 found that only 28% of speaking roles went to female characters.
- Data: Identifying more males from skulls is not consistent with what we know about the sex ratios of extant human populations.
- Data: Murders mostly committed by men
- Data: Non-human roles are less likely to be represented as female.
- female-speaking-roles.png
- GettingStarted
- horvath-sczesny-screenshot.png
- izi-screenshot.png
- Log: Identifying more males from skulls is not consistent with what we know about the sex ratios of extant human populations.
- Log: 37% of Scythian women and girls were active warriors.
- Log: Based on an experiment, adding m/f to a job ad made no difference to the exclusionary impact of using the generic masculine on its own.
- Log: Bones of Birka warrior belongs to a woman.
- Log: Cave paintings in France and Spain were actually done by women
- Log: Countries with gender-inflected languages were predicted to have the lowest gender equality scores.
- Log: More than 90% of the world's online population use emoji.
- Log: Non-human roles are less likely to be represented as female.
- Log: Representation of women in entertainment
- Log: Representation of women in textbooks
- Log: When asked to draw images of human roles, most images drawn will be male.
- pakistani-textbooks.png
- prewitt-etal-screenshot.png
- screen-time.png
- Screenshot_20230930_172745.png
- Screenshot_20230930_175709.png
- snow-screenshot.png
- Source: As of 2015, women make up on only 24% of the persons heard, read about or seen in newspaper, television and radio news.
- Source: 37% of Scythian women and girls were active warriors.
- Source: A 2017 analysis of ten introductory political-science textbooks found that an average of 10.8% of pages per text referenced women.
- Source: An analysis of 18 high school history textbooks published between 1960 and 1990 found that pictures of named men outnumbered pictures of named women by about 5.5 to 1.
- Source: Based on an experiment, adding m/f to a job ad made no difference to the exclusionary impact of using the generic masculine on its own.
- Source: Bones of Birka warrior belongs to a woman.
- Source: Cave paintings in France and Spain were actually done by women
- Source: Countries with gender-inflected languages were predicted to have the lowest gender equality scores.
- Source: G-rated films released between 1990 and 2005 found that only 28% of speaking roles went to female characters.
- Source: Identifying more males from skulls is not consistent with what we know about the sex ratios of extant human populations.
- Source: Leadership job ads found a 27:1 ratio of masculine forms to m/f and inclusive forms.
- Source: Men spend twice as much time on screen compared to women.
- Source: More than 90% of the world's online population use emoji.
- Source: More women frequently use emoji than men.
- Source: Murders mostly committed by men
- Source: Non-human roles are less likely to be represented as female.
- Source: On average, men outnumber women 3 to 1 in example sentences from language and grammar textbooks.
- Source: When asked to draw images of human roles, most images drawn will be male.
- Source: When children are asked to draw images of human roles, most images drawn will be male.
- Source: Women are also less represented in textbooks outside the United States.
- women-in-the-news.png
- women-references-polisci.png